Friday, August 22, 2008

Week #2

Ok so as promised Im back for another edition.

I really hope that you guys approached at least 10 women last week. If you HAVEN'T done that then I urge you to STOP reading this post RIGHT now and NOT to read it UNTIL you have done the exercise from week 1. If your really committed to getting this shit handled then your going to do it the way you need to do it. That means taking it one step at a time and keeping it simple.

Now if you HAVE done the exercise i urge you to read on:

After approaching these 10 women I am sure that you found that it is not as bad as you thought. Some of the women were probably receptive and others were probably nervous and scared and maybe even took that out on you. Remember that women are emotional creatures, they really live in the emotion that they feel. That's why you can fuck them so easily if you know what your doing and thats also why they can fuck you over if you don't.

Now this week is actually really really simple. Your starting to get into approaching women. You have built a little confidence to know that you can. You realize that at first it is hard but once you get going it's like jumping into cold water and having your body adjust to it. It's like when you were a kid and would jump in the water and spend the whole afternoon going in and out of the water.

If that's NOT how it was for you then this exercise will probably bring it home for you.

This week I want you to approach 20 women but the caveat is simply this:

I want you to approach only on 2 seperate days of the week. That means I want you to go out twice and I want you to approach 10 women in the same day on each day for a total of 20. The REASON I want you to do this is so that you can get use to understanding the various responces you will get. This is to make sure that you understand and have a real life reference point for how this is really a timing and numbers game. If your approaching 10 women you will see at least a few approaches where the woman is somewhat responsive. I want you to see this for yourself. Trust me that the exercises are going to get a lot more fun and interesting but the actual approach, and the experience I want you to get from the actual act of making the decision to approach woman is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. You hang in there as LONG as you can but you approach 20 women, 10 each day. The point of this exercise is not only to step it up a notch but to get you to realize 2 important things:

1) The more you approach the more momentum you get or the less you care about the outcome. If things start to go well or you get a few women who you have a descent interaction with -- you start to have fun and learn that you don't have to be perfect or have every approach go well in order to have fun talking to new girls. On the other hand if things just happen to not go well and you keep approaching it teaches you that this really doesn't matter and that the power of action lies in YOUR hands. You start to stop caring how it goes because you realize that your taking things in your own hands and that the latest no is just one no closer to the next yes. It doesn't kill you.

2) I want you to realize that this is a numbers game and not all women respond the same way, you will get various reactions.

Get out their young grasshopper and do it up, and remember that this is VERY important. Review the video as many times as you want with Mystery. I want you guys to get good at approaching and I know right now that these exercises are dry as hell but if you have ever seen Karate kid it's wax on wax off shit right now. This is your foundation. Me love you long time. Onwards grasshopper.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Week # 1

Week #1 is simple.

First watch this:

There is no cure for approach anxiety other than getting use to approaching every day.

You must learn how to go up to girls and start to talk to them despite any feelings you may feel that are overwhelming.

Just focus on the fact that you will take action despite any emotions you may feel, and that it is like jumping in a cold pool at first -- but after a while you get comfortable.

Anyone who takes part in this exercise needs to approach 10 women they don't know and start to talk to them -- EVEN IF THEY DON'T FEEL LIKE IT.

The focus is to feel whatever your feeling and to do it ANYWAYS.

Until you have approached 10 women that you consider boneworthy you will not have completed this exercise. Getting really drunk doesn't count either.

You must develope the habit to approach quickly regardless of your emotions or concerns. It takes a while to form a good habit so 10 approaches won't do it, but it will be a good start and if you continue and build off of it you can get into the habit of approaching regardless of your emotions and thoughts and even get to the point where you welcome the uncertainty of the approach and it becomes an adrenaline rush.

The goal here is not to have a successful interaction. You don't CARE how it goes. You can interview if that's all that comes to your mind. Just slow down, speak slowly, and say whatever comes to your mind. Hang in there for as long as you can.

Inner game made simple

I apoligize that I had to take my blog down. There was a leak and people were finding out my identity. I needed to delete the old address and start fresh. This time I will be concealing my identity. I live in a small town and don't want any overwhelming attention as a PUA in my town. So far I have been good at concealing myself and the only problem is some groups feel I am a player. At some point I will be onto bigger and funner places but for now I have to work with what I have.

My goals for my blog have also changed. My focus over the next several months will be to simply post any relevant field reports and to post about developing actions and habits that reflect good inner game. I am talking about inner game made simple.

The goal of this blog over the next several months is simply to take you the way that you are and get you to focus on simple habits for success. This is the way to truely transform. Diving into deep subjective topics of inner game and rolling up your sleeves in a complicated and analytical way to try to become perfect are not the way to go. It leaves you searching for and focusing on your short comings.

Instead I will be giving practical advice that is simple and action orientated to correct any flaws that may be holding you back from achieving the heights of whatever it is that you envision as success in this social game that we play with eachother.

I will be interested in hearing of others progress along the way. I am going through a transitional period right now in my life, and thus I will not be posting on forums except to occassionally plug my blog. What I can committ to is that every single Friday of every single week I will post a new entry on the blog that deals with common sticking points and issues that people face. Instead of getting all psychological and diving into the deep reasons behind these problems I will be giving you guys a simple point of focus. If you focus on this point of focus and push through despite any setbacks then soon you will have developed a NEW more EFFECTIVE habit that will be more likely to lead to more women in your life. It's really that simple. Those that were looking forward to an online bootcamp from me can consider this a prolonged online bootcamp.

From time to time I will post additional entries in addition to my friday entry that will be field reports of me in the field that attempt to demonstrate and give example to the habits I am teaching you.

This is unlike anything out there really. Many guys focus on teaching theory, but theory is so subjective. Other guys tend to focus on relationship type advice, but some guys don't want that yet. Still others tend to focus on pickup advice for clubs and bars, some guys don't really want that either. Then of course there are the outer game and tactical teachers. There are plenty of guys to learn from in this realm and they cover all kinds of different topics. Mine is going to be simple:

To teach everyone how to go out into the field and get success no matter who they are or what they believe. This is a blog about developing simple habits that will have a profound impact on your ability to get women and to take the actions of someone who is successful period. It's that simple.

If you suffer from any of these issues take pride that I will be addressing them:

Approach anxiety
Social anxiety
Sensitive to rejection
Fear of groups or mixed sets
Fear of escalation
Fear of committment
Fear of hot girls
Lack of sexuality
Lack of masculinity
Don't know what to say, not spontaneous enough

The list goes on and on. The things I will tell you to do will not be groundbreaking. They will simply be carefully designed exercises that help to develope more constructive habits. You can dive deep into the reasons that you have certain ineffective habits and you can talk all about the theory behind taking the actions or developing the habits that you want -- but when it comes push to shove it is all about taking action and forming more effective habits, not about the mind and not about analyzation.

So I hope you will all join me on this online bootcamp journey. Each section will have two levels of difficulty and focus on ONE thing. You have an entire WEEK to do it and usually what I propose is a minimum requirement so feel free to expand on it. Essentially what I am providing is similar to a stylelife academy type thing but without the theory and just exercises that will develope the necessary actions inside of you and help you to develop the right types of habits.

-Mack Wild